Functional Training Studio -
Design and Implementation

couple cycling pictureEquilibrium doesn’t do gyms!

Equilibrium designs and implement studios that work.
What this means is that we don’t just fill a designated space with a whole lot of equipment and call it a gym. We hand select with you the best equipment based on your specific requirements and purpose for the training studio.

What Is Functional Exercise?

Functional exercise can be described as training for real life activities. This means that the benefits that are gained by training in this manner have a high degree of transfer to everyday activities that you perform.

It is a more three-dimensional form of training than the conventional resistance machines and therefore will utilize a lot more muscles in multiple planes of movement.

Therefore you will achieve greater results than just training on machines alone. This form of training is being used as a preventative measure for a large number of muscular-skeletal type injuries including back and neck pain.

dumbell weightWhat is a Functional
Training Studio?

When designing a Functional Training Studio you need a balance between user-friendly equipment so that your clientele can just get on with their workout, and some specific functional equipment so that they can maximize the effectiveness of their training.

The studio would be designed to:

  • Maximise usage of space
  • Look less intimidating to your staff
  • Visually entice staff to take an interest and use the facilities
  • Be of a high technical quality to attract experienced gym users

By assessing your individual requirements and specifications Equilibrium will make recommendations and design a studio unique for you. We will look at all of your requirements for a training facility, including:

  • Available space
  • Number of people using the facility
  • Reason for implementing the studio (stress management, improved posture, decrease back pain, improved workplace performance or even a genuine concern for the wellbeing of your staff)
  • Overall budget

Because every company is unique, so to is every Functional Training Facility.

Equilibrium doesn’t employ Gym Instructors!

Equilibrium employs specialists in all areas of the Wellness continuum. Staff are chosen for their passion and expertise in their chosen field. What this means is that you are receiving the care and attention that you really deserve. Whether this is through specific corrective exercise training, or a stress management type approach the best types of specialists are employed for your unique requirements.

open quote...I think even after the first session I began to notice a difference. The aches that I used to suffer from in my back and shoulders from sitting at a desk were less noticeable and if I did have a problem the instructor had given me methods to combat these. I can now happily say that my back hardly ever has a problem.close quote

Lorainne Cushnie
MTN Market Reporter